Kerri Miller Brief

In the weeks leading up to and following the tumultuous 2018 midterm elections, MPR News host Kerri Miller released a series called This American Moment. It's a collection of wide-ranging and long-view conversations with writers, scientists, artists, activists and religious leaders about this moment in American life. Who are we right now? And how does our understanding of that inform how we relate to each other and create a better future?
There is more and more evidence that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is responsible for the killing of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi. So why doesn't President Trump think bin Salman is guilty?
Politics Friday: Ellison describes the 'political fight' of his life
The DFLer will become the state's first African-American constitutional officer, and the first Muslim to hold statewide office, after winning a contentious race.
On election eve, MPR News host Kerri Miller chatted with Ken Rudin about the tightest races around the country.
Why it's a good economic bet to invest in early childhood
How do you get the biggest bang for the buck if your goal is a more robust economy? Some experts say the best way to invest for prosperity is to fund early childhood education.