Kerri Miller Brief

Three people profiled in City Pages' recent "People Issue" make up this week's Friday Roundtable panel. They all work with food and they all have big ideas about making connections and making change in their communities.
Recent rains have not washed away the effects of a severe drought in California. Listen to a conversation about what the nation can learn about water crises and conservation from California.
Two political scientists dissect the results from the Iowa Caucus and look ahead to upcoming primaries.
Political Junkie: Finally! The voting begins
After months of anticipation, the voting finally begins in the 2016 presidential contest. Ken reviews what's at stake for the candidates involved.
How do anger and kindness shape a society? Three guests explore the roles that individual attitudes play in charting the course for our country.
This week on Roaming and Reading, writer Ralph Gardner Jr. reminisced with MPR News host Kerri Miller about his recent trip to Cape Town, where he learned to relax and let his daughter take the reins.