Kerri Miller Brief

More than seven out of 10 Americans now say climate change matters to them personally. But those same people aren't willing to do anything to stop it. Why is there the disconnect? And what would it take to get people to act?
News of Jussie Smollet attack rattles LGBTQ community
For people who identify as a member of both the LGBTQ community and a person of color, it can be challenging to find a safe space. Feelings of vulnerability are even more visceral in the wake of this week's violent attack on Jussie Smollett.
Where does masculinity go from here?
The #MeToo movement has highlighted some of the dangers of toxic masculinity. In response, Gillette ran an ad calling for more respectful men. How is this moment shifting the narrative on masculinity?
This week, the Supreme Court allowed the Trump administration to implement a policy prohibiting most transgender people from serving in the military. What does that mean for transgender service members, both past and present?
Roughly 30 percent of the world is living with obesity. What are their day-to-day experiences? Guest host Tiffany Hanssen talked to author of "The Elephant in the Room," Tommy Tomlinson, and co-host of the Matter of Fat podcast, Cat Polivoda, about fat-shaming and body positivity.
BuzzFeed's article became buzz kill when special counsel Robert Mueller's office declared it "not accurate." But why respond to this article and not the many others? That and more in this week's political roundup with Political Junkie Ken Rudin.
As the partial government shutdown stretches into its fifth week, we take an in-depth look. Are shutdowns really happening more often? If so, why? What are the consequences of a long shutdown? And what would it take to end this one?
Nine countries now have nuclear weapons, even as the U.S. threatens to pull out of international non-proliferation treaties. That seems ominous. But is it? Do nuclear weapons even matter? Kerri Miller talks to three guests with three different views.