Kerri Miller Brief

On tiger moms, holiday letters and authenticity in the age of social media
Is the holiday letter the original social media - a place where people curate the shiniest bits of their lives for others to consume? That's one of the many theories Kerri Miller explores with her guest, Minneapolis author Gretchen Anthony, as they discuss her debut novel, "Evergreen Tidings from the Baumgartners."
Author Marlon James on 'Black Leopard, Red Wolf'
Author Marlon James called his latest book, "Black Leopard, Red Wolf," the African "Game of Thrones." James joined MPR News' Kerri Miller for the Thread Live at the Fitzgerald Theater.
Is anyone still watching the Oscars?
The awards show won't have a host this year and has changed its planned broadcast—and then changed that plan again. Do the Oscars generate more drama than the movies they celebrate?
The American church's complicity in racism
For centuries, racism flourished in the American church. Has anything really changed? Jemar Tisby, the author of the new book "The Color of Compromise" says no. He believes white supremacy is still alive in the church. It's just gone underground.
One year after Parkland, are Americans equipped to prevent school shootings?
It's been one year since the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. What have we learned? Are we better equipped to prevent school shootings?
After a Tweet by Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar set off a firestorm of anti-Semitic criticism, we wanted to advance the conversation. Is there a way to criticize Israel in a Washington political culture that leaves little room for nuance?
Our planet's magnetic north pole is migrating. Since the mid-1990s, it's wobbled away from the Canadian Arctic and toward Siberia -- which can have an effect on everything from shipping routes to the GPS in your phone.