Where does masculinity go from here?

Victims of sexual harassment and abuse protest during a #MeToo march.
Victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual abuse and their supporters protest during a #MeToo march in Hollywood, Calif., in November 2017.
Mark Ralston | AFP | Getty Images

Gillette is known for "The Best a Man Can Get," but the company has drawn criticism for its recent ad asking men to do better.

Their ad comes in the wake of the #MeToo movement where several prominent men, from Harvey Weinstein to Bill Cosby, have been charged or prosecuted for sexual assault and harassment.

This year, for the first time ever, the American Psychological Association released a report that said toxic masculinity can be harmful to young boys' and men's physical and mental health.

In a Twitter thread, the association wrote,

"Traits of so-called 'traditional masculinity,' like suppressing emotions & masking distress, often start early in life & have been linked to less willingness by boys & men to seek help, more risk-taking & aggression — possibly harming themselves & those with whom they interact."

Host Tiffany Hanssen spoke to former professional football player and the NFL's first LGBT inclusion consultant, Wade Davis, poet and author of "Don't Call Us Dead," Danez Smith, and lecturer at Towson University, Andrew Reiner, about the changing narrative of masculinity and why we need to have this conversation now.

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