Voices of Minnesota: Calls for change across the state

Protests large and small have emerged across Minnesota since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

MPR News is talking to some of the people behind rallies, marches and demonstrations happening beyond the Twin Cities metro area — about their experiences with race in Minnesota, why they march and what they hope for the future.

We want to hear your story. Here’s how to share your experience.

Kate Lundquist: Black Lives Matter in Roseau, a small white city
In the month since George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, protests large and small have cropped up across Minnesota, even in small, rural communities where demonstrations are rare — including Roseau.
Seraphia Gravelle: A voice for change on the Iron Range
“I tell people all the time that I'm not going to sit down and shut up just so that you feel comfortable,” Seraphia Gravelle said. “And I'm not going to stop until my brown kids are [as] safe as your white ones.”
Fighting racism in greater Minnesota
The protests in the Twin Cities following the killing of George Floyd got the most press, but smaller demonstrations emerged all over the state.
Marches and rallies continue across Minnesota, calling for justice for George Floyd
The sounds of a drum circle echoed down the streets of Minneapolis on Sunday, part of another day of peaceful rallies and marches. Meanwhile, the U.S. attorney general said he's not inclined to open a federal investigation into systemic problems in the city’s police department.