All Things Considered

Tom Crann
Tom Crann
Evan Frost | MPR News

All Things Considered, with Tom Crann in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington, is your comprehensive source for afternoon news and information. Listen from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. every weekday.

Appetites | Climate Cast | Brains On | Cube Critics

Opening showdown gets pointed between Walz, Jensen
Billed as an opening conversation with the leading candidates for Minnesota governor, a forum Wednesday produced sharp exchanges throughout — about COVID-19, farm policy and the general role of government.
Petroleum leak forces evacuations on U Twin Cities campus
Contractors working in sewer tunnels around 5th and Oak streets Tuesday morning reported their gas monitor alarms sounded and they saw and smelled petroleum. The source is still unknown. Officials lifted the evacuation order at about 4:30 p.m.
In one rural Minnesota town, old buildings get new life as arts spaces
There are only a few buildings left in the center of Farwell, Minn. — and as of this summer four of them have been renovated and rededicated to the arts. It's bringing new energy to that part of rural Minnesota. 
Prairie Island Indian Community nuclear concern powers net zero carbon emissions plan
Residents of the Prairie Island Indian Community have grown accustomed to living next door to a nuclear power plant. It's a constant reminder of environmental injustices endured by Native people for generations. But tribal leaders say a new plan to produce net zero carbon emissions within the next decade will help Prairie Island reclaim the narrative of its land.
Minnesota man charged in fatal stabbing along Wisconsin river
Prosecutors have charged a Minnesota man with first-degree intentional homicide for allegedly fatally stabbing a teenage boy and wounding four other people while tubing down a western Wisconsin river over the weekend.
MnDOT exploring new pavement mixes to reduce use of carbon-intensive concrete
The experimental pavement mixes incorporate recycled bottles, fiber and other materials to reduce the proportion of concrete needed. The agency is also looking at whether it can sequester carbon in its pavement.
Minneapolis-based Lakota storyteller uses humor to 'right size' Pope's visit
Pope Francis wore an eagle feather headdress during his visit to apologize to Indigenous people in Canada for abuses suffered at residential schools. Alfred Walking Bull, a writer and storyteller deployed his sense of humor.
Adult English language learners head back to class in Minnesota
Adult English language learners across Minnesota are among those who suffered a gap in learning during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. Now providers of these services are reimagining their curriculum as they head back into the classroom, and face increased demand due to an influx of new immigrants.
'Like medicine from God': Wisconsin cherry orchard offers taste of home for immigrant families
On a single day each year, dozens of people from the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin flock to Maple Leaf Orchard to get their fill of sour cherries. It's one of the only places you can find tart cherries in the region — and for that reason, it's been a draw for many immigrant families that use them in their cooking.
ND abortion clinic says Minnesota move won’t delay services
A judge’s ruling that will delay the closing of North Dakota’s lone abortion clinic should provide more than enough time to move the business to a neighboring city in Minnesota, the facility’s owner and operator said Thursday.