Election 2022

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Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2022.

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'There's so much at stake': VP Harris visits Twin Cities ahead of midterms
With just more than two weeks to go until the midterm election, Vice President Kamala Harris stopped in the Twin Cities on Saturday for a roundtable on reproductive rights and a fundraiser for DFL Gov. Tim Walz.
Guía del votante: Vea las posturas de los candidatos del 5º Distrito sobre la reforma policial, la atención médica y más
Minnesota tiene ocho escaños en la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos, y todos ellos se someten a elecciones este otoño. En el quinto distrito del Congreso, la representante demócrata Ilhan Omar se enfrenta a la nueva opción republicana Cicely Davis.
Guía del votante: Conozca las posturas de los candidatos del 8º Distrito sobre la minería de hierro, las armas y más
Minnesota tiene ocho escaños en la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos, y todos ellos están en juego este otoño. En el Octavo Distrito, el diputado republicano Pete Stauber se enfrenta a la diputada estatal del DFL Jen Schultz.
How do you motivate people who have never voted before to show up at the polls? For this special In Focus discussion, MPR News host Angela Davis talks with Secretary of State Steve Simon and two young organizers working to inform and encourage new voters to participate in democracy.
Minnesota group fights attempts to make voting harder
Outside the Ramsey County Courthouse, more than 30 people chanted “Democracy!” and held signs that read, “We Choose Us.” It's the name of a voting rights advocacy organization that seeks to fight attempts to make voting more difficult in counties across Minnesota.
Hagaha codbixiyaha: Fiiri mawqifyada murashixiinta degmada 3aad ee soo-rididda ilmaha, dambiyada, iyo waxyaabo badan
Degmada 3aad ee Koongareeska, Wakiilka Aqalka Hoose Dean Phillips, oo ah Dimuqraadi oo markii ugu horreysay waxaa la doortay 2018 iyo mar labaad 2020, waxaa wajahay Tom Weiler, oo ah nin Jamhuuriga ku cusub iyo ka soo hawlgabay ciidanka Badda Mareykanka. Degmadu waxay dabooshaa inta badan xaafadaha magaalooyinka sida galbeedka Minneapolis oo ay ku jiraan qeybo ka mid ah degmooyinka Anoka, Carver iyo Hennepin. 
Lus coj qhia neeg xaiv tsa: Xyuas Cheeb Tsam 3 cov neeg sib tw cov kev txhawb rau kev kaus me nyuam pov tseg, kev ua txhaum cai thiab ntau tsav yam ntxiv
Nyob rau Cheeb Tsam Congressional 3, Neeg Sawv Cev Dean Phillips, uas yog ib tug Democrat raug xaiv thawj zaug thaum 2018 thiab rov raug xaiv dua thaum 2020, tab tom sib tw nrog Tom Weiler, uas yog tus neeg Republican tshiab thiab yog Teb Chaws Asmeskas Qub Tub Rog Fab Navy. Lub cheeb tsam duav ntau heev yav qab teb sab hnub poob ntawm Minneapolis, nrog rau ib kuag ntaw cov cheeb koog Anoka, Carver thiab Hennepin.