Food and Drink

Berries, pears and pawpaws: SW Minn. food forest takes root
The food forest’s organizers are hoping their work will help local families learn more about what’s in their backyards — and protect the environment by planting native species that are also tasty for supper.
Appetites: Expert’s advice for the season’s perfect apple pie
Chef and food writer Beth Dooley knows one thing that can unite us all: the perfect apple pie. She said there are fiercely held beliefs when it comes to what makes a good pie and even how to make it. 
Appetites: On a quest for the best frozen pizza
At most grocery stores, you’ll find a huge variety of products in the frozen pizza aisle. Brianna Bierschbach made it her mission to try out as many frozen pizzas as she could. Here’s how she ranks them. What do you think?
Another COVID-19 ripple effect: Many meat processors booked up through deer season
As the fall hunting season prepares to ramp up this month, some local butchers and meat markets might have to turn their game customers away. Many processors are already operating at full capacity — a ripple effect of COVID-19 closures at major pork and beef processors this spring.
Food is growing more plentiful, so why do people keep warning of shortages?
For more than a century, food has been getting more abundant, and cheaper. Yet people keep worrying about food shortages. Some economists say the fears actually create their own problems.
Crop failure rate for wild rice is increasing with climate change
Climate change is taking a significant toll on wild rice in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and the plant's significance to Ojibwe communities makes finding a solution all the more delicate — and dire.
The great pandemic bake-off may be over
The price of baking flour has fallen along with the price of eggs, suggesting an easing in the baking craze that gripped hungry and housebound consumers in the early weeks of the coronavirus pandemic.