Mental Health

A collection of mental health news and resources.

Congressman Jamie Raskin on the life and legacy of his son, Tommy Raskin
On New Year's Eve, 25-year-old Tommy Raskin took his own life. Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland talked with NPR about his son's life: “It wasn't his mind that marked him as so extraordinary. It was his heart. The stories of his love and compassion are absolutely astounding."
Wiser resolutions? Lessons from COVID's unfulfilled ones
Remember those early-quarantine resolutions? Those of us lucky enough to have down time imagined tackling big projects and learning new skills. Often those things didn't get done because, well, 2020. Experts say that's to be expected.
'Could you help, Santa?' In Christmas wish lists, children write of pandemic hardships
In normal times, letters to Santa are typically carefree wishes for things like toys or a new game. But for some children this year, they've become a reflection of challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Minnesotan designed a smartwatch app to help stop his dad's PTSD-related nightmares
Patrick Skluzacek suffered from PTSD-related nightmares, which were ruining his life. His son, Tyler, created a smartwatch application to disrupt them. The app recently won FDA approval.
New research into Alzheimer’s disease and dementia 
What’s new with Alzheimer’s disease research? Two dementia investigators talk about racial disparities, sleep and a blood test that may tell you if you could someday be at risk. 
'Slow down,' 'don't quit': Advice from 7 women who overcame their pandemic struggles
Nominated by NPR readers across the country and around the world, here are the stories of seven women who overcame personal struggles through the pandemic – and how they found the strength to pull through.