Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Groups call for greater federal oversight of insurance industry amidst climate change impacts
Several groups call on Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and the Financial Stability Oversight Council to provide greater federal oversight of the insurance industry in light of soaring disaster costs.
Talking Volumes: Margaret Renkl on 'The Comfort of Crows'
New York Times columnist and nature writer Margaret Renkl closed out the 2023 Talking Volumes season with meditations on the joys of a backyard oasis, the inevitable losses of a warming climate and how to live while holding both of those truths in tandem.
From Minnesota to Arizona, new research tracks a remarkable, centenarian fish
New research has found several species of the buffalofish, which are native to Minnesota, can live to be well over 100 years old. That’s helped spark new appreciation for the fish, and efforts to give it greater protection.
Split Rock Lighthouse hosts annual Edmund Fitzgerald memorial ceremony
A crowd of several hundred people is expected to gather at Split Rock Lighthouse on Friday for a memorial ceremony and beacon-lighting to mark the 48th anniversary of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
EPA says 'further actions' needed to protect human health from nitrate in southeast Minnesota
Environmental groups petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, saying nitrate in the groundwater in southeast Minnesota’s karst region — largely from fertilizer and manure applied to crop land — poses an imminent danger to human health.