Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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The battle over land use: Farm crops versus solar farms
The U.S. Department of Energy estimates the U.S. will need 10 million acres of solar panels by 2050 to meet the nation’s net zero-carbon goals. That means acreage currently used for farmland will become solar farms.
 Mixing solar and farming could be key to clean energy future
As Minnesota and the nation shift to cleaner energy, there’s a growing demand for land for new solar farms. At the same time there’s growing interest in what’s known as agrivoltaics.
A 'trash audit' can help you cut down waste at home. Here's how to do it
The average American generates five pounds of trash per day, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Reduce your household trash by listing your output and taking these simple actions.
Emergency managers hope new radar will fix coverage gaps in Minnesota
A private company recently installed a weather radar system in western Minnesota and has plans to add at least a half dozen more sites. Emergency managers hope the radar will fill gaps in the existing weather radar system.
New invasive crayfish found in Minnesota lake
An invasive crayfish new to Minnesota was found this fall in a lake near Alexandria. There’s no evidence the signal crayfish is reproducing in the lake, but it could pose a risk to lake ecosystems if a population is established.
Saturday's deer opener brings expanded testing for chronic wasting disease
More than 400,000 hunters are expected to participate in the Minnesota deer hunting season this year. Hunters can expect expanded testing for chronic wasting disease and restrictions on the movement of killed deer, all aimed at limiting the spread of the disease that is always fatal in deer.