Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Christmas tree growers anticipate healthy demand despite drought challenges
Minnesota’s Christmas tree farms are busier than ever getting ready to sell their harvest to the public. The demand for live trees remains strong despite much of the state suffering repeated droughts during the last several years.  
Minnesota initiative looks to boost production of sustainable aviation fuel
10 percent of U.S. transportation greenhouse gas emissions come from plane travel. But a first-of-its kind initiative is looking to slash those numbers by creating a hub to scale the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
MPR News meteorologist Sven Sundgaard had his first full day on the tundra Tuesday, observing over a dozen polar bears. Here’s his update.
State officials add dozens of lakes and streams to impaired waters list for sulfate and PFAS pollution
State officials are proposing to add 54 lakes and streams to the list of Minnesota waters considered impaired because of pollution. The list includes a large lake on the border of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness that exceeds the state’s wild rice sulfate standard.
With a boost from John Oliver, pūteketeke soars to first in New Zealand bird contest
The water bird was named a conservation organization's Bird of the Century after the “Last Week Tonight” host took out billboard ads across the globe and hyped the threatened species on his show.
Minnesota officials ready for potential feral pig invasion
With wild hogs in Canada approaching the U.S. border, Minnesota officials are reviewing state management of feral pigs to limit potential future damage from the destructive invasive species.
Climate change affects your life in 3 big ways, a new report warns
Climate change costs tens of billions of dollars each year, hurts Americans' health and disrupts everyday life, including how we work, eat, play and mourn, according to a major new assessment.