Election 2022: Voter Guides

Here are side-by-side comparisons of the top candidates running for Minnesota’s most high-ranking political races.

Voter guide: See 7th District candidates' stances on abortion, education, more
In the 7th Congressional District, U.S. Rep. Michelle Fischbach, a Republican who was first elected in 2020, faces Jill Abahsain, a Democrat running for federal office for the first time, and Travis Johnson, a Legal Marijuana Now party candidate and combat veteran.
Voter guide: See 8th District candidates' stances on iron mining, guns, and more
In Minnesota’s 8th District, which includes Duluth, the Iron Range and a huge swath of north east Minnesota, Republican Rep. Pete Stauber is facing DFL state Rep. Jen Schultz. For years the district leaned Democratic but in 2016 it went for Donald Trump for president and in 2018 it was one of three congressional districts in the country to flip Republican.
Hagaha codbixiyaha: Eeg mowqifyada murashixiinta Degmada 6aad ee hubka, ilmaha la soo ridayo, waxyaabo badan
Murashaxad ah Dimuquraadi Jeanne Hendricks ayaa kula tartameysa xildhibaanka haysta kursiga oo ah Xisbiga Jamhuuriga Xildh. Tom Emmer tartanka aqalka dagmada 6aad ee Minnesota
Hagaha codbixiyaha: Eeg mowqifyada muhiimka ah ee musharixiinta hantidhowraha Minnesota
Ololaha daahsoon ee hantidhowraha gobolka waxa uu u dhexeeyaa Julie Blaha oo ah DFL oo hadda haysa xilka iyo tartame Ryan Wilson oo ah GOP metala Maple Grove. Horraantii Sebtembar afti ayaa lagu soo ogaaday in tartankoodu yahay mid aad u adag oo Blaha ayaa ku hoggaamineysa hal dhibic keliya.
Guía del votante: Vea las posturas de los candidatos del 7º Distrito sobre el aborto, la educación, y más
En el Sétimo Distrito Congresional, la representante federal Michelle Fischbach, republicana y quien fue elegida por primera vez en el 2020, se enfrenta a Jill Abahsain, demócrata que se presenta por primera vez a un cargo federal, y a Travis Johnson, candidato del partido Legal Marijuana Now y veterano de guerra. El distrito cubre la mayor parte del oeste de Minnesota.