Race: Conversations around race and racial justice

Here are the latest on the fight against racism, voices calling for racial justice and in-depth stories on communities of color and other racial issues from MPR News.

Voices of Minnesota Calls for change across the state

Protests and pain The killing of George Floyd

Call To Mind Spotlight on black trauma and policing

Amplifying voices Share your experiences and hopes for the future

Two Minnesota children's book authors on getting and giving a sense of belonging
Growing up is tough, but even more so when you feel like you don’t fit in. Hear two Minnesotan children’s authors of color talk about their paths to knowing and loving themselves — and how to teach that to children.
As mental health worries rise for Black Minnesotans, focus shifts to strengthening kids, caregivers
The well-being of young children and their caregivers is closely connected, and children struggle when adults struggle. For Black Minnesota kids and their families, poverty and racism compound those problems. Charting a path forward includes preparing kids for a “harsh world,” one expert says.
Q&A: Documentary looks at 2013 Hopkins High School walkout
Independent journalist Ralph L. Crowder III has directed a documentary, “Before Black Lives Mattered, the Kids Marched for Education.” He aims to highlight the influence the 2013 walkout had in a larger conversation about equality in education, as well as correct the narrative from media coverage at the time.
Power Pair: Lessons about friendship from Resmaa Menakem and Keith Ellison
MPR News host Angela Davis revisits her very first Power Pair conversation. Resmaa Menakem and Keith Ellison talk about how their friendship formed long before either of them were nationally known and how that friendship sustains their justice work.
The idea of a national African American museum went back 100 years before its opening
The museum celebrated the 20th anniversary of legislation that funded it this week, but it can trace its origins back to Black veterans who fought for the Union Army in the Civil War.
Designer and entrepreneur Houston White has a singular vision: to create a vibrant Black middle class in Minneapolis. And it’s more than a plan. It’s already becoming reality.
March through Minneapolis protests Camp Nenookaasi eviction
Political organizers and supporters of Minneapolis’s unsheltered population marched Tuesday evening from the site of the Wall of Forgotten Natives — a now-closed encampment — to Camp Nenookaasi, an existing camp the city plans to tear down.
How can we break the cycle of childhood trauma? Help a baby's parents
HealthySteps is an intervention where new parents get practical help with their lives, allowing them to create stable, nurturing bonds with their babies. It all starts at the baby's checkups.
Study finds large pay gap for Native American women
A new analysis by a national women’s advocacy organization finds Native American women face a significant pay gap in the workplace. The National Partnership for Women and Families found Native women earn just 55 cents for every dollar earned by white men.