MPR News with Angela Davis

Two Minnesota children's book authors on getting and giving a sense of belonging

Anthony Walsh and Thuba Nguyen
Anthony Walsh (left), author of the "Hockey Is for Everybody" children's book series, and Thuba Nguyen (right), author of the children's book, "My Daddy Tells Me" with MPR News host Angela Davis in the Kling Public Media Center on March 15, 2023.
Danelle Cloutier | MPR News 2023

It’s so important for kids to feel like they fit in, whether that’s at home, at school or in their communities.

Ideally they’d feel like they belong in all these spaces, but that can be tough if you don’t fully understand yourself or your family history.

MPR News host Angela Davis revisits a conversation from last year she had with two Minnesotans of color about their paths to knowing and loving themselves and how to teach that to children. 

They’ve both written children’s books to help kids feel like they belong and have a voice. 


  • Thuba Nguyen has been an early childhood educator for more than a decade. Her expertise is in anti-bias and anti-racist pedagogy. They’re the author of the children’s book, “My Daddy Tells Me.” She’s now working as the communications specialist for the Minnesota House of Representatives People of Color and Indigenous Caucus and Queer Caucus.

  • Anthony Walsh is the author of the “Hockey Is for Everybody” children's book series. He graduated last year with a law degree from Mitchell Hamline School of Law and works as an engagement specialist with Hennepin County. As an adoptee, he is passionate about expanding rights for adopted people. He is also on the board of directors for Mosaic Hockey Collective and coaches youth hockey.

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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.