Social Issues

Immigrants always welcome
The east end of University Ave. reflects the rich cultural diversity of the people who live and work here, and give this section of the avenue its distinct character. This area is the most ethnically diverse and fastest-growing neighborhood in the city of St. Paul.
Gay marriage debate fueled by California ruling
The California Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is legal in their state, and the political backlash is just beginning. Midmorning examines the future for gay marriage in other states, and what recent polling is showing about public support.
Divided, and united, by debate
Many Americans complain about the partisan divide, but longtime political reporter Howard Fineman observes that we are a nation born to debate. And in his new book, he says we don't argue enough about the founding principles of our nation.
Smart design for people who need it
A new exhibition opening at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis this weekend shows that cheap and simple designs can change, and even save, lives.
Young people hard hit by gas prices
Rising gas prices aren't just a grown-up phenomenon. Kids are working longer hours and getting on the bus, among other things, to cope with the new normal of expensive fuel.
Minn. professor still missing in Utah desert
National Park officials in Utah continue to hold out hope for the safe return of a missing Minnesota man. 65-year-old Jerry Wolff, a St. Cloud State University biology professor, left May 10th on a trek in a rugged section of Canyonlands National Park.