Social Issues

American Indians prefer to reflect on their own history
Minnesota marks 150 years of statehood this year, but not everyone is celebrating. American Indian tribes in Minnesota were here long before the state was. For many Indians, the history they remember is one of repression, broken promises and loss of culture.
Yucca Mountain and the fight over nuclear power
The Bush administration wants to store the nation's nuclear waste at the Yucca Mountain repository in Nevada, but opponents are concerned about safety, and the implications for expanding U.S. nuclear power.
Speaking out for human rights
Human rights advocate and University of Minnesota professor Barbara Frey and Kerry Kennedy, who established the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights in honor of her father, appeared together for a discussion about human rights as part of the University of Minnesota's Great Conversations series.
Out with the old, in with the new
Every New Year's Eve we make resolutions to change our ways, but rarely do we follow through, because habits are hard to break. But one expert says creating new habits isn't as daunting as it seems.
A new way of working
Two workplace experts say bosses should emphasize results rather than strict hours to revolutionize the workplace. Midmorning asks if time flexibility will still get the job done and further your career.
Theater veterans reconsider 'The Gin Game'
This weekend, two stage veterans who have worked together on and off since the early 1960s will present their latest collaboration. Wendy Lehr and Bain Boehlke will perform "The Gin Game" at the Jungle Theater in Minneapolis.