Social Issues

GLBT community upset by domestic partner benefits veto
Advocates for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender Minnesotans are speaking out against Gov. Tim Pawlenty's veto of a domestic partner bill that would have allowed local governments to offer domestic partner benefits.
'Survival in the Serengeti'
Serengeti National Park in the East African nation of Tanzania is one of the most famous wildlife areas in the world. But for rural people living nearby, lions and elephants are a daily threat. A University of Minnesota professor is working to reduce conflict between humans and wildlife but his work is embattled.
Health care reform bill seen as a good first step
The compromise legislation promises to reduce health care cost increases in the state and extend insurance coverage to more Minnesotans, but long term change depends on state finances.
Journey to truth
Pat Tillman joined the military after 9-11 and became a hero after he was killed in Afghanistan. What the family didn't know until several months later is Tillman had been killed by friendly fire. A new book chronicles the family's journey to find the truth.
A history of conflict in Minnesota
As part of Minnesota Public Radio's Sesquicentennial history series, Midday explores the history of American Indians in Minnesota, including a rebroadcast of an MPR special report about the U.S. Dakota Conflict of 1862 titled "Minnesota's Uncivil War."