Social Issues

African-American church and community leaders say black Minnesotans face growing challenges in today's troubling economic times. At a Sunday evening worship service in Minneapolis, black leaders expressed hope that through church and community collaboration, those problems can be solved. Singer Stevie Wonder was a surprise guest at the event.
Duluth is just like other US cities. All over town, signs say, "No war," and "Support our troops." And now people in Duluth are divided over something that might have happened to a man in uniform. Or maybe it was several men in uniform. Or maybe it didn't happen at all.
The federal government has charged Minnesota Somali activist Omar Jamal with violating immigration rules. The Homeland Security Agency has detained him in the Washington County jail. Jamal also faces criminal charges for the same allegations -- that he lied to the government to get into the country.
A scholar who studies the image of Arab people in mass media discusses the stereotyping of Arabs.
Mordechai Vanunu is a convicted traitor, accused of jeopardizing Israel's national security. He is also a hero to anti-nuclear activists around the globe, who say no one in the western world has spent longer in solitary confinement. Vanunu, called an international martyr by his supporters, is also the adopted son of a retired couple who have lived all their lives in St. Paul.
Budget cuts threaten city funding for St. Paul's nine part time recreation centers. What would be lost if those centers close? Can others provide those services?
Some vulnerable seniors in Minnesota would feel the pinch of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's proposed budget cuts. Pawlenty's plan to fix the state's $4.2 billion budget deficit includes elimination of state funding for a number of senior services, including the Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion programs.
Demand at Minnesota's food shelves has increased by 15 percent in the past two years. Advocates say the state budget crisis will only make things worse. An update on hunger in Minnesota, and what's being done around the state to feed people in need.
More than 1,000 gay and lesbian Minnesotans came to the Capitol on Thursday to protest a proposal to remove sexual orientation from the state's human rights law. They called the bill "mean-spirited." The bill's author says he wants to prevent homosexuality from being taught in the schools.
An old business in a small Minnesota town has a new owner. The Renville Locker butchered meat under the same family ownership for 38 years in southwestern Minnesota. Over that time the population of the region has changed, and more change is on the way. There may be no better symbol of the shift than the new face behind the meat market counter.