MPR News with Tom Weber

Tom Weber, a reporter and host at MPR News for a decade, resigned effective June 22, 2018. You can find his work covering the people and places of Minnesota here.

Ground Level: Unfit to print? Minnesotans deeply skeptical of mainstream media
It's not just President Trump at war with the media. Most Minnesotans don't trust mainstream news coverage. That's a key finding from Ground Level, a new MPR News project using public opinion surveys to guide reporting.
Ground Level: Minnesotans upbeat even as problems, politics swirl
Geography, politics, race and education sharply divide Minnesotans on many issues. Yet, we're overwhelmingly hopeful about the state's future. Those are the first findings from Ground Level, an MPR News project using opinion surveys to guide in-depth reporting. Here's what we've learned.
With some of the worst racial disparities in the nation, how can The Twin Cities close the gap and create economic equality?
From slaughterhouse to bus depot to rock club: The history of First Ave
The stars painted on the side of First Avenue in downtown Minneapolis only capture a fraction of the legendary venue's history. Chris Riemenschneider's new book dives into club's storied past.