Allegations of sexual misconduct build at the Minnesota Capitol

Rep. Tony Cornish
Rep. Tony Cornish, R-Vernon Center, is one of the Minnesota lawmakers accused this week of sexual misconduct.
Jim Mone | AP 2013

A sexual misconduct scandal in the state Legislature has widened to include two male lawmakers. Women have accused Rep. Tony Cornish, R-Vernon Center, and Sen. Dan Schoen, DFL-St. Paul Park, of sexual harassment.

Schoen said in a statement that the allegations were either false or taken out of context. Cornish says he intends to fight accusations against him and has no intention of resigning.

The building allegations are raising concerns about just how pervasive sexual harassment is in the state House and Senate.

MPR host Tom Weber talked with two reporters who are covering the story: Briana Bierschbach from MinnPost and Patrick Coolican from the Star Tribune.

To listen to their conversation click the audio player above.