Morning Edition

Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Art Hounds: A play looks at things Hinckley lost in the fire
Art Hounds recommend Bucket Brigade Theater’s original play “Survivors of the Fire,” “SOLO: the performances of the McKnight Dancer Fellowships” and the the St. Peter Art Stroll.
Minnesotans who lost their home to tax forfeiture may be entitled to money. Here’s how to claim it
The U.S. Supreme Court declared Minnesota’s process for handling tax-forfeited properties unconstitutional. Now, Geraldine Tyler and other affected Minnesotans stand to receive thousands of dollars as part of a legal settlement. 
Students, secretary of state partner to pre-register young voters
The power of pre-registration is what drives 17-year-old Markus Wessman, executive director of The Youth Voter Project and Wayzata High School student body president, to engage his peers about politics. He founded the entirely student-run nonpartisan group last December.
Can Winona County turn around its lagging voter turnout? These people are working to do that
Early voting begins Friday across Minnesota. And organizers in Winona County, which has some of the lowest voter turnout in the state, are uniting for one cause: not a specific candidate or political party, but simply registering people to vote.
Duluth child care center closures exacerbate growing crunch facing families
The impending closure of two large child care centers — and possibly a third — is exacerbating a child care crunch in Duluth which is already short more than 1,000 slots.
Minneapolis street named after community leader Bernadette Anderson
Bernadette Anderson Way now runs along Russell Avenue North between Plymouth Avenue North and 12th Avenue North. Anderson, who died in 2003, lived in the 1200 block of Russell.
2 wildfires burn in Superior National Forest, closing some BWCA portages and campsites
After an extremely wet summer, Minnesota is trending drier. The U.S. Forest Service has closed 19 campsites and several portages in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.