Morning Edition

Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

‘The Year of the Plague’: The pandemic, through a storyteller’s eyes
Ojibwe storyteller Anne Dunn has been totally alone in a little house on the Leech Lake Reservation for more than a year, wondering — as storytellers do — how to weave the pandemic into a coherent narrative.
April 2 update on COVID-19 in MN: Vaccination pace rising; new case counts climbing
While vaccinations remain firmly on the upswing, new COVID-19 cases are pushing higher again. Minnesota reported 2,553 new cases Friday, the most in one day since Jan. 4. Intensive care needs are at their highest level in more than two months.
Chauvin trial: MPD homicide chief says officers' use of force 'uncalled for'
“I saw no reason why the officers felt they were in danger, if that’s what they felt, and that’s what they would have to feel to be able to use that kind of force,” Lt. Richard Zimmerman said. He came upon the scene hours after George Floyd was killed in police custody.
'I live with Standing Rock in my heart': Massive pipeline protest resonates 5 years later
Tribal members who gathered at a small protest camp near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota were trying to stop the Dakota Access pipeline from crossing under the Missouri River nearby. The camp grew to thousands, and became an international movement. Its influence is still felt at pipeline and climate change protests, and in the lives of those who were at the camp.   
Chauvin trial: Police supervisor says force on Floyd went too long
David Pleoger’s testimony capped a day in court that included testimony from paramedics who believed Floyd was dead at the scene yet still tried to revive him and from Floyd’s girlfriend who, with laughter and tears, told of their life together and their addiction struggles.
 For some COVID patients, ICU stay comes with post-traumatic stress
Being severely sick with COVID-19 can lead to a host of long-term symptoms and side effects. For some, a prolonged stay in the intensive care unit can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder connected to the experience of having been sedated and intubated for weeks at a time. One Minnesota hospital is trying to help those patients.
Chauvin trial: Jurors shown extended, intense officer bodycam video
Viewed in succession, the videos offered a brutal, up-close look at officers struggling to push a handcuffed Floyd into the squad car, then pinning him to the pavement to subdue him as he pleads that he can’t breathe, while bystanders on the curb yell that Floyd is dying.
Lawmakers facing big to-do list when they return from spring break
It's spring break for Minnesota lawmakers. They’re on a 10-day recess until next Tuesday, April 6. MPR News host Cathy Wurzer spoke with political reporter Brian Bakst about what’s yet on the agenda.