Kerri Miller Feature

"A Wrinkle in Time" hits theaters this month. It's one of several books being turned into a movie this year. Three film and literature junkies talk about what it takes to make a good book-to-film adaptation.
The Mueller investigation has spawned fierce political debates. Meanwhile Russia is mounting plans to hack our 2018 midterms. What is Russia doing? And how can the U.S. protect its elections?
In December 2017, more than 140 leading evangelical women called on churches to go public with opposition to gender-based violence and harassment, using the hashtag #SilenceIsNotSpiritual.
Want to save your marriage? Learn how to fight with these 12 tips
What's the secret to a successful relationship? Two marriage and family experts say it all comes down to how you fight. They shared 12 tips for perfecting the art of constructive conflict.
The #MeToo movement called out high-profile men who used their power to prey on subordinates. But away from the limelight, blue-collar and low-wage workers tell stories of abuse and exploitation that is pervasive and endemic -- especially in male-dominated industries.