Kerri Miller Brief

What's in the Mueller report that we don't already know?
Thursday, Congress is expected to receive special counsel Robert Mueller's redacted report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. What new information can we hope to gain?
President Trump comes to Minnesota today for a roundtable discussion on tax cuts and the U.S. economy. MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with the Political Junkie about the tax cuts and why many Americans seem unhappy about them.
Almost every week, senior producer Stephanie Curtis stops by to tell us what to read, watch, listen to or experience. Here's her roundup for the third week of April 2019.
When dogma turns toxic
Why are working-class whites willing to die rather than support policies that could benefit them? Jonathan Metzl's book, "Dying of Whiteness," examines the grim consequences of right-wing policies -- even for the white voters they promise to help.