Kerri Miller Brief

What's happening with President Trump's travel ban?
The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to hear arguments later this year on whether President Trump's travel ban should stand. They also have allowed parts of the ban to take effect. What is the current status of the ban?
Women are politically motivated and they win elections as often as men. But in the U.S. they are far less likely to run for political office. Why is that? And what will it take to get more women to run?
Within the first month of his presidency, Donald Trump said he was prioritizing "getting Americans back to work." But what is it actually like to work in the U.S. right now?
Democrats lost a special election in Georgia yesterday that they desperately wanted to win. Republicans in Washington DC are cooking up a healthcare bill in secret. Political Junkie Ken Rudin analyzes this and all the latest political news with MPR News host Kerri Miller.