Kerri Miller Brief

When we're young, our idea of who our parents are is wrapped up in one singularity -- their identity as our parents. But as we grow and our parents age, more layers of their identity unfold.
Given the success of Fenty Beauty, what does Rihanna understand about the cosmetics industry that mainstream beauty brands don't? And what does the Dove controversy say about the change that's still needed in the beauty industry?
Congressional Republicans and President Trump are pushing for tax reform this fall. But do tax cuts translate to economic growth? Bruce Bartlett, domestic policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan, says the gospel of trickle-down growth just doesn't hold up.
Fellows with the World Press Institute have been traveling around the United States since August, in a visit that has coincided with major hurricanes, mounting tensions with North Korea and the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.
The Political Junkie talked gun control legislation, the political hypocrisy of newsmakers like Harvey Weinstein and Rep. Tim Murphy, and Sen. Bob Corker's comment that President Trump's behavior could set America "on the path to World War III."