Kerri Miller Brief

In his new book "Why Buddhism is True," Robert Wright, a visiting professor of science and religion at Union Theological Seminary, explores the relationship between science and meditation, and why meditating can help us see the world more clearly.
Last fall, the New York Times published a story with the accounts of two women who said they had been groped by now-President Trump. When Trump's legal team threatened to sue the Times for libel, the Times' lawyer responded with a letter that went viral.
The Las Vegas shooting is now being called the deadliest in United States history -- and it's yet another test in recent weeks for the Trump administration's response to national crisis.
MPR Day in Moorhead celebrates Minnesota food traditions
'MPR News with Kerri Miller' goes on the road for a special MPR Day broadcast from Moorhead, where she assembled a panel of food experts to relish the food traditions of northern Minnesota.
It's important to start reading at a young age. But what can parents and educators do to encourage a love of reading in children and students?
What the latest from D.C. could mean for your health care
The latest Republican effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act faltered yesterday. Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, joined two other Republican senators in publicly opposing the Graham-Cassidy legislation, leaving the bill without needed votes.
In "Little Soldiers," journalist Lenora Chu relays the experience of enrolling her son in a Shanghai kindergarten, and what she learned about "cultivating a superstar student in China."