All Things Considered

Tom Crann
Tom Crann
Evan Frost | MPR News

All Things Considered, with Tom Crann in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington, is your comprehensive source for afternoon news and information. Listen from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. every weekday.

Appetites | Climate Cast | Brains On | Cube Critics

New small business program looks to revitalize Selby Avenue corridor in Rondo neighborhood
A new effort is underway to support emerging entrepreneurs in the Rondo neighborhood of St. Paul. It’s part of a larger vision to revitalize the historic economic and cultural center that was fractured by the construction of I-94 decades ago.
The impact of building codes on climate change
Heating and cooling our homes and buildings in Minnesota contribute about 40 percent of our state’s greenhouse gas emissions. What opportunity exists to reduce our carbon footprint by updating our building codes?
Minnesotans honor the state’s Japanese American veterans
Fort Snelling was home to a linguistics school, where about 6,000 people were trained in Japanese language. Those linguists went on to break codes and serve on the front lines, a role military officials said was crucial in bringing the end to the war. 
Tensions flare at Minnesota Capitol as debates stretch on; DFLers say they’ll push ahead with ERA measure
In a sign of growing Capitol frustrations, House Speaker Melissa Hortman called for a snap vote after a long debate. Republicans say the move suppressed their voice. It could spell trouble for an orderly session end.
Jurors in Feeding Our Future case see defendants’ long text trail
Jurors in federal court in Minneapolis were shown hundreds of WhatsApp text messages in which operators of food distribution sites allegedly discussed how to divvy up money that they stole from government child nutrition programs.
A few things to know about the companies planning to replace or compete with Uber and Lyft
If Uber and Lyft leave Minnesota, they will make room for several rideshare companies who have their eyes on the market. One new company has already announced its app is ready to go live and that they will be the first of the new services to start providing rides.
For more than 25 years, Betty Folliard has pushed Minnesota to adopt the equal rights amendment
Betty Folliard has had her eyes on the ERA prize since she began serving in the House in 1997. After leaving the House in 2003, Folliard has continued her quest to amend the state constitution.
Minnesota semiconductor manufacturer awarded nearly $200 million in state, federal funding for expansion
Bloomington's Polar Semiconductor is beginning a $525 million expansion that it says will double its output and create 160 new jobs. It’s slated to receive nearly $200 million in state and federal funding for the project.