Mental Health

A collection of mental health news and resources.

What are you thankful for? Guest host Chris Farrell hosts a conversation about giving thanks with a writer, a psychology professor and the director of the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota. 
How are Minnesota's Latino farmers dealing with stress?
With the drought and the COVID-19 pandemic, it's been a tough year for Minnesota farmers. Rodrigo Cala of the Latino Economic Development Center, a partner in a new Minnesota Department of Agriculture mental health initiative, spoke to Cathy Wurzer about stress among Latino farmers.
Research sheds light on what's killing young people, especially boys and young men
Globally, boys and young men made up two-thirds of all deaths among young people in 2019. A recent report finds that many such deaths in this "neglected" age group are preventable.
Navigating social anxiety during the pandemic holidays
As if the holidays aren’t stressful enough, many of us are still dealing with the mental health effects of the protracted pandemic. Host Angela Davis talks about navigating holiday stress during a pandemic and how to manage social anxiety when gathering in groups once again. 
Disrupting domestic violence
Violence in the home increased during the pandemic. Why? What can be done? MPR News host Angela Davis talks with violence prevention advocates who help survivors heal and abusers change. 
As climate worsens, environmentalists also grapple with the mental toll of activism
After her son's death, a mother in the Midwest promotes mental health for environmentalists. It's part of a larger push to address the burnout and psychological stress that can affect activists.
Raising a gender expansive child
Host Angela Davis talks about how to support gender expansive children with teacher Tom Rademacher, who wrote a new book about what he’s learned raising his nonbinary art-nerd kid, a pediatrician who leads a gender health program and a nonbinary young adult who works with nonbinary teens.