
So long, Stumpy. More than 150 of D.C.’s cherry trees have to go as water rises
Washington, D.C.’s famous cherry blossoms hit peak bloom this week. This will be the last season for about 150 of the famous flowering trees — they’ll soon be cut down to adjust to sea-level rise.
‘Unsung heroes:’ 21 Minnesotans share their climate solutions on a national stage
It wasn’t just scientists in Minnesota sharing their climate solutions, but artists and faith leaders that got the chance to go to the “Aspen Ideas: Climate” gathering.
Forecasting a record-breaking winter
Minnesota’s warmest winter on record was literally off the charts in several metrics. Just how unique was this winter? And how is our shifting climate impacting our daily weather forecasts?
Proposed natural gas plant in Superior gets renewed scrutiny
A long-planned natural gas power plant in Superior is facing new scrutiny from local officials who originally backed it, at the same time that labor unions and other supporters are ramping up their advocacy for the controversial project.
Getting off fossil fuels is hard, but this city is doing it — building by building
Ithaca, N.Y., wants to eliminate greenhouse gasses by 2030 — 20 years faster than the rest of the country. But even in this liberal city meeting climate targets is harder than expected.
What an unseasonably warm winter will mean for farmers this year
The warmest winter on record has also brought some of the lowest snow cover on record to much of Minnesota. What does the lack of snow mean for Minnesota’s soils and farmers this year?