
A wildfire scorching the Texas Panhandle has grown to the largest in state history
A wildfire spreading across the Texas Panhandle has become the largest in state history. Authorities say the Smokehouse Creek fire grew Thursday to nearly 1,700 square miles of scorched rural ranchlands and destroyed homes.
'Zombie fires' under snow raise concern for upcoming wildfire season
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wildfire operations supervisor William Glesener explained how fires can burn under snow blankets and lead to a more active wildfire season.
Wildfires are killing California's ancient giants. Can seedlings save the species?
Extreme wildfires have destroyed about one-fifth of all giant sequoia trees. To safeguard their future, the National Park Service is planting seedlings that could better survive a hotter climate.
Super current El Niño and climate change hit the Galapagos Islands
Locals in the Galapagos say climate change and the current Super El Niño could be affecting the marine life and climate there. MPR meteorologist Sven Sundgaard just returned from the islands on a trip where he got a first-hand look at what’s happening.
Climate change turns an idyllic California community into a 'perilous paradise'
People say they move to Los Angeles for the weather. As climate change makes extreme weather events like wildfire and flooding more common, some people wonder if they should stay or go.
Wintering monarch butterfly population hit hard by drought
The overwintering population of monarch butterflies in Mexico is at the lowest point in a decade, according to the results of an annual population survey. The butterflies overwinter in Mexico before migrating north, arriving in Minnesota by May.