Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Guinness World Records posthumously strips Bobi of his title of 'oldest dog ever'
Bobi's owner said the dog had lived a record-breaking 31 years and 165 days old when he died in October 2023. But a review by Guinness World Records found that evidence of his age was inconclusive.
Transforming a 1909 St. Paul house into an all-electric green home for the future
A St. Paul couple transformed their century-old home into an all-electric green home for the future, showing the way for other homeowners to help reduce the amount of carbon emissions Minnesotans generate in their homes.
Super current El Niño and climate change hit the Galapagos Islands
Locals in the Galapagos say climate change and the current Super El Niño could be affecting the marine life and climate there. MPR meteorologist Sven Sundgaard just returned from the islands on a trip where he got a first-hand look at what’s happening.
Trial begins for North Dakota’s effort to recoup costs of policing Dakota Access pipeline protests
The state filed the lawsuit in 2019, seeking $38 million from the federal government for policing the protests. The bench trial before U.S. District Court Judge Daniel Traynor is expected to last 12 to 13 days.