Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Bemidji State University study seeks to discover the secrets of urban deer life
Minnesota’s rural-urban divide doesn’t just affect people. Take deer for example, they are now a fixture in many Minnesota communities. While some people love them, others see them as pests, and dangerous when mixed with traffic. 
'Zombie fires' under snow raise concern for upcoming wildfire season
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wildfire operations supervisor William Glesener explained how fires can burn under snow blankets and lead to a more active wildfire season.
‘Tom the lost trucker cat’ found 9 miles from St. Cloud after 40 days missing
A gray and white cat was found after a lengthy adventure in central Minnesota. Tom is originally from Arizona and jumped out of his owner’s semi truck at a truck stop.
Wildfires are killing California's ancient giants. Can seedlings save the species?
Extreme wildfires have destroyed about one-fifth of all giant sequoia trees. To safeguard their future, the National Park Service is planting seedlings that could better survive a hotter climate.
EPA approves year-round sales of higher ethanol blend in 8 Midwest states
The biofuels industry and politicians of both parties have portrayed ethanol as a product that helps farmers, reduces prices at the pump and lessens greenhouse gas releases. But environmentalists have said increased ethanol production can increase carbon releases.