Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Report: Mississippi River’s St. Cloud watershed sees progress, ongoing threats
The Mississippi River-St. Cloud watershed northwest of the Twin Cities includes fast-growing counties such as Wright and Sherburne. The latest data show some improvement in water quality, but also challenges including the loss of shoreline buffers to development.
Heavy rain hampering rescue efforts for missing canoeists in Boundary Waters
Heavy rainfall is hampering ongoing rescue and recovery efforts for two canoeists who have been missing in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness since Saturday evening, after two canoes carrying four people went over Curtain Falls.
Search continues for 2 people missing after canoes went over waterfall in Boundary Waters
Search efforts continued Monday amid poor weather and difficult water conditions for two people who went missing over the weekend after their canoes went over a waterfall in northern Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
When sea otters lose their favorite foods, they can use tools to go after new ones
Some otters rely on tools to bust open hard-shelled prey items like snails, and a new study suggests this tool use is helping them to survive as their favorite, easier-to-eat foods disappear.
A yummy retirement party for Matka, the explosives-sniffing dog
For the past eight-and-a-half years, Matka has worked with a Minnesota State Patrol trooper, patrolling the marble halls at the State Capitol in St. Paul. She started her training as a youngster, around 14 months, and on Tuesday, she retires.
Trolls in the northern Minnesota woods with a message
A Danish artist is building a half dozen large trolls in and around Detroit Lakes this summer. Thomas Dambo wants to create a whimsical experience, showcase recycling and encourage people to protect natural resources.
Monarch population, host plants hurting from climate change. Expert shares how to help
A years-long drought pattern, winter whiplash and warming temperatures are all hurting the vulnerable species, according to University of Minnesota Professor Emilie Snell-Rood, who studies monarchs and other pollinators.
The impact of building codes on climate change
Heating and cooling our homes and buildings in Minnesota contribute about 40 percent of our state’s greenhouse gas emissions. What opportunity exists to reduce our carbon footprint by updating our building codes?