On Campus Blog

Colleges and Universities Aren’t Ready for New Common Core Standards A report recommends that colleges add the results of Common Core assessment tests to the measures by which they gauge students’ eligibility for admission and financial aid; that they help make sure primary and secondary schools teach the things needed to succeed in higher education, and…
MnSCU board to approve future chancellor contracts
Trustees of Minnesota’s state-run colleges and universities are trying to inject some transparency into how they handle contracts. Today they voted to formally approve all future employment contracts for their chancellor, including changes made to existing contracts. The change in policy comes after reports last month that former board Chairman Clarence Hightower had quietly signed…
Commissioner to look more closely at Globe/MSB
State Office of Higher Education Commissioner Larry Pogemiller tells MPR News reporter Martin Moylan his office will take a harder look at Globe University / Minnesota School of Business now that they face a lawsuit by state Attorney General Lori Swanson: “We will now do our part to go and look and see what we…
Short Courses for the Long Haul Adult Education Eases Path to Career Change (The New York Times) Historically black colleges face uncertain future Facing often steep declines in enrollment, these schools are struggling to survive. In the last 20 years, five historically black colleges and universities — or HBCU’s — have shut down and about…
You may remember my coverage of Globe University / Minnesota School of Business and claims that it was using deceptive marketing tactics. The Minnesota attorney general has just announced that she has filed suit against the company. MPR News’ Martin Moylan will be covering this today, so we’ll be bring you more details as he…
I’ve been trying to wheel around and get updates on several campuses that were reporting potential budget cuts this past academic year. Minnesota State University – Moorhead is cutting staff and merging departments as part of a multimillion-dollar budget cut. About two dozen tenured faculty and more than three dozen adjunct professors are leaving the…
Avoiding Roommate Shock, Online Ultimately, college officials hope that these roommate-recommendation programs can combat a costly problem: interpersonal conflicts so severe that they can prompt students to transfer to other schools before their sophomore year. (The New York Times) Does Khan Academy Work? No one really knows how well it works. Sure, it’s cheaper than a real classroom, but…
Most with college STEM degrees go to work in other fields, survey finds The report comes at a time when national educational initiatives and funding are focused on increasing participation and graduation rates in the STEM disciplines, in part because of a belief that the United States is losing ground internationally. (The Washington Post) Appeals Panel…