On Campus Blog

Minnesota college students graduated last year with slightly less debt than students did the year before, but a state expert says it’s unclear what caused it and whether it’s just a blip. The state Office of Higher Education put the median debt at $27,300 in 2013, down about $200. State analyst Tricia Grimes said she…
The Winona Daily News chastises the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system for lack of transparency in how it handled its chancellor’s new contract — as well the under-the-radar granting of a $2 million consulting contract for its system overhaul: At a time when MnSCU is charting its future, its first building block –…
In Moody’s U.S. college credit ratings, downgrades far outnumber upgrades Moody’s has downgraded three dozen four-year colleges and universities since July 2013, a sign of continuing financial fragility in higher education. (The Washington Post) Should Colleges Be Able to Determine Costs of Living? There are three potential reasons why other costs included in the costs of attendance…
University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler will receive a 5.5 percent raise next year as part of a five-year contract extension. Kaler will make $785,000 next year under the new deal. By the time his contract runs out in 2020, he will be making more than $987,000. Much of the increase is in the form…
How college remediation rates are distorted — and why No matter how serious a problem remediation may be,  it is wrong to inflate remediation numbers and then use them to justify everything from charter schools to the Common Core. (The Washington Post) College Group Run for Profit Looks to Close or Sell Schools Facing heavy losses and a crackdown…
Why we still need affirmative action for African Americans in college admissions Pretending color doesn’t matter doesn’t actually work, and it’s unfair. (The Washington Post) Colleges Keep Increasing Discounts to Keep Students Coming The so-called discount rate—the amount of revenue that goes back out the door in the form of financial aid to fill seats—was projected to have…
How to increase socioeconomic diversity in college More resources must be allocated to financial aid. Colleges and universities can make these decisions and commit even greater resources on their own, but the government can also create greater incentives to do so. (The Washington Post) How Fixing Corporate Welfare Might Kill Many For-Profit Schools This latest chapter is…
UMN-area robberies 2013-14 Avg ’09-’13 Total 59 41.5  (7 on campus)  (3.25 on campus) Academic Year 46 35.75 Summer 13 5.75 Fall 26 17.25 Winter 9 8.75 Spring 11 9.75 W+S 20 18.5 This past year, the University of Minnesota community saw a 28 percent increase in robberies compared to average annual totals from the…
Just pulled this from Sunday’s Washington Post report on campus sexual-assault data. The paper’s notes on the data come after the table below. You can view the paper’s full list of campuses here. According to the data, the school with the highest number of alleged offenses reported per 1,000 students in 2012 was Carleton with 3.41. It was…
Campuses not meeting spending, grad expectations
Minnesota’s universities are not graduating as many students as they should — and are spending a higher-than-average amount of money to educate them, according to a draft report by the Midwestern Higher Education Compact in Minneapolis. In contrast, the report says, the state’s community and technical colleges are performing about as well as their national…