On Campus Blog

Sports info, wage disparities and a Jewish regent

Report: Nearly 1 million community college students can’t take out federal loans That's because their schools don’t participate in the federal program. The Institute for College Access and Success, which studied the issue nationally, said 8.5 percent of all students at the public two-year colleges are blocked from a source of financing usually cheaper than a private loan. (The Washington Post)

Federal Education Data Show Male-Female Wage Gap Among Young College Graduates Remains High The men who were in full time jobs made $57,800 on average. The women in full time jobs made $47,400 on average. In other words, these women, most of them unmarried and without children, were earning only 82 cents for each dollar that a man was in 2012. (Washington Monthly)

UC appoints Jewish student regent amid controversy For the second time in two years, passions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts have entered an unlikely forum: the UC regents' selection of student representatives on the university governing board. (Los Angeles Times)

Dutch Higher Education Policy Refocuses on Quality In recent years the realization has grown that enrolling more students in universities and higher vocational training brings with it some drawbacks. In the Netherlands, where the government pays most of the cost of tuition, leaders are working on a reform of the financing model for tertiary education. (The New York Times)

Education lobbyist criticizes House bill targeting college sports The bill essentially would result in the U.S. Department of Education making available for all schools — including private schools — the detailed, sport-by-sport revenue and expense data they report to the NCAA every year. It also creates a new set of annual financial disclosures for the NCAA and other college sports entities. (USA Today via University Business)