On Campus Blog

Trustees, adult ed, and publicity-hungry journals

Short Courses for the Long Haul Adult Education Eases Path to Career Change (The New York Times)

Historically black colleges face uncertain future Facing often steep declines in enrollment, these schools are struggling to survive. In the last 20 years, five historically black colleges and universities — or HBCU’s — have shut down and about a dozen have dealt with accreditation issues. (The Washington Post)

Academics Anonymous: Publicity-hungry journals have created a climate in which dishonest scientists can thrive. (The Guardian)

A basic flaw in the argument against affirmative action Research on the outcomes of affirmative action programs found that minority students admitted to selective universities did as well or better than their white counterparts on a number of outcomes. (The Washington Post)

Educating College Trustees Trustees are by far the weakest leg of the governance stool. The problem is that the trustees come with specialized knowledge but usually lack an understanding of how higher education works. (The Huffington Post via NAICU)