On Campus Blog

Men punished in sexual misconduct cases on colleges campuses are fighting back Men punished for sexual misconduct in the wave of cases sweeping college campuses are fighting back against what they call unfair student disciplinary systems and publicity that threatens to shatter their reputations. (The Washington Post) A Lot of College Students Are Living with Their Parents. That’s…
This week, Gov. Mark Dayton announced the appointments of six new and returning trustees to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system. In his announcement, he sounds like he’s not that pleased with revelations about how MnSCU handles contracts for its chancellor and outside vendors: I expect these new members, and the entire Board,…
Books that college freshmen should have read over the summer It has become a common practice at many colleges and universities to assign to incoming freshmen a book or other reading selection over the summer —sometimes as a requirement, sometimes just as a suggestion — so they can all come together to participate in a discussion about…
Why race-based affirmative action in college admissions still matters It is one thing to seek alternatives to race-based affirmative action that approximate affirmative action’s goals. It is quite another to defend such alternatives as the most desirable policy, to suggest that preferences for students from socio-economically disadvantaged families are superior to preferences for African Americans. (The…
Gov forms panel to rebuild med-school prominence
In an attempt to revitalize the University of Minnesota Medical School, Gov. Mark Dayton today established a committee to suggest ways to bring it back to its former glory. The move comes after years of decline in med-school rankings as well as a recent review that says the institution, though strong, has suffered from staff…
Financial Aid as Deception It’s not just that discounting scares students off; it also just confuses them, by leading them to think particular colleges are a good deal when the reality is such schools could put them in debt forever. Financial aid makes it easy to lie to students about college cost. (Washington Monthly) The Lawyer’s Apprentice How to…
Forbes calls U of M “rising star,” school to watch
Forbes magazine comments on why the University of Minnesota is a “rising star” — and thus a school to watch — having risen the most since the magazine began ranking schools in 2009: For University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, which ranked 543rd in 2009 and now ranks 108th, it is the production of high-quality graduates…
When the College Admissions Battle Starts at Age 3 While competition to secure a seat in a public prekindergarten program is fierce (roughly two-thirds of the estimated 41,000 applicants earned seats for the coming academic year), it’s even more cutthroat among private-school applicants. (The New York Times) College Cost Isn’t Poor Students’ Big Problem Whatever’s keeping low-income Americans…