On Campus Blog

Commissioner to look more closely at Globe/MSB

State Office of Higher Education Commissioner Larry Pogemiller tells MPR News reporter Martin Moylan his office will take a harder look at Globe University / Minnesota School of Business now that they face a lawsuit by state Attorney General Lori Swanson:

"We will now do our part to go and look and see what we can find out. To protect students, we'll double-check [the schools'] websites, their materials."

Moylan writes:

Still, Pogemiller said he wonders if his office is missing problems at for-profit schools and might employ "secret shoppers" and other techniques to get a better read on their performance.

"Obviously, there's not enough resources to check in on every recruiter or campus in the state," he said. "And so we feel we need to be more aggressive. But we don't always know where to look until you get something like this, a direct student complaint."

You can read the full story here -- and read the original lawsuit and Globe's response at the bottom of the On Campus blog post here.