On Campus Blog

Ratings, exaggerated costs and the future campus

50 Virginia college presidents protest Obama’s planned school rating system The 50 presidents who signed the letter said that while they applaud Obama’s efforts to make higher education more affordable, a federal ratings system would wind up limiting the amount of financial aid that many poor students can receive. They also said that using graduation rates as currently determined by schools would be unfair because they are widely believed to be flawed. (The Washington Post)

Report: 31 million Americans have college credits, but no degree Helping these students finish could boost education rates, experts say. (The Hechinger Report)

Stop Trying to Plan the Campus for the Future Leaving a lot of open space means it’ll be relatively inexpensive to adapt. Specific rooms for the day’s technology fads are pricey to remove. (Washington Monthly)

How the Government Exaggerates the Cost of College Effectively, the measure tracked the price of college for rich families, many of whom were not eligible for scholarships, but exaggerated the price – and price increases – for everyone from the upper middle class to the poor. (The New York Times)

Paul Ryan's views on college costs look a lot like Obama's President Obama's higher education agenda has had trouble attracting supporters from either party in Congress so far. But he appears to have at least one rhetorical ally in the House of Representatives: Rep. Paul Ryan. (Vox via NAICU)