On Campus Blog

Three-year-olds, subsidies and sexual assault

When the College Admissions Battle Starts at Age 3 While competition to secure a seat in a public prekindergarten program is fierce (roughly two-thirds of the estimated 41,000 applicants earned seats for the coming academic year), it’s even more cutthroat among private-school applicants. (The New York Times)

College Cost Isn't Poor Students' Big Problem Whatever's keeping low-income Americans from going to college, it's not access to student loans. (Bloomberg via NAICU)

College subsidies hit decade low Subsidies for public higher education institutions have hit a 10-year low while students for the first time pay on average half or more of their education’s cost, finds a report by the Delta Cost Project at the American Institutes for Research (AIR). Community colleges, the analysis also shows, are posting the lowest level of spending per student in a decade. (University Business)

How many colleges mishandle sexual assault cases — and what to do about it A bipartisan group of senators just introduced legislation in Congress that is aimed at curbing sexual assaults on college campuses. The legislation would force school officials to be more transparent and accountable in dealing with sexual assaults, including requiring better training for on-campus personnel who investigate cases and participate in disciplinary procedures. Schools that fail to comply could face steep fines. (The Washington Post)

NCAA Settles Class-Action Lawsuit Over Head Injuries Creates $70 Million Fund to Diagnose Whether Athletes Suffered Brain Trauma (The Wall Street Journal)