On Campus Blog

Radio, productivity, and law without law school

Financial Aid as Deception It’s not just that discounting scares students off; it also just confuses them, by leading them to think particular colleges are a good deal when the reality is such schools could put them in debt forever. Financial aid makes it easy to lie to students about college cost. (Washington Monthly)

The Lawyer’s Apprentice How to Learn the Law Without Law School (The New York Times)

College Radio Changes Frequency Stations Like WRAS in Atlanta and WRVU at Vanderbilt Lease Frequencies to Public Radio, Shifting From Experimental Music (The Wall Street Journal via NAICU)

MOOCs Are No Longer A Cultural Export Of The West From China to Saudi Arabia, nations are translating, adapting, and creating MOOCs to fit their own needs. (Fast Company via University Business)

What counts for academic productivity in research universities? There needs to be recognition that most universities are teaching institutions and their emphasis should be on teaching and learning – not on improving their research and publication profile. (University World News)