On Campus Blog

Robo-readers, lost kids, and international scholars

Why college kids aren’t timid or lost Author and former Yale faculty member William Deresiewicz is right to question our misplaced respect for elite colleges. But his main point — that the Ivies are turning out a generation of losers — makes no sense. (The Washington Post)

Life as an international academic We are neither expats nor migrated scholars, but double-sided people. (The Guardian)

Seeking New Start, Finding Steep Cost Workforce Investment Act Leaves Many Jobless and in Debt (The New York Times)

Robo-readers aren’t as good as human readers — they’re better  The computer functions not as a grader but as a proofreader and basic writing tutor, providing feedback on drafts, which students then use to revise their papers before handing them in to a human. (The Hechinger Report via University Business)

Professor Obama Grades U.S. Colleges, Finds It Tests Him The Education Department, charged by President Barack Obama to create a system rating more than 5,000 campuses on graduation rates, student debt and other outcomes, is finding that calibrating the metrics is complicated. The agency has delayed unveiling a draft until the fall, months later than planned. (Bloomberg via NAICU)