Stadium Watch Blog

Video: How seat licenses work
After a decade of negotiations, threats and promises, the Vikings showed Minnesota the money Thursday night. The team stacked up a subsidy from the NFL, a personal seat license plan and future naming rights to pay its $477 million share of the new stadium. And then Vikings owners kicked in another nine figures to seal Read more →
Former Gov. Arne Carlson says the Minnesota Vikings should contribute money toward settling the Minnesota Orchestra lockout. “I can see the Vikings saying, ‘We did get a very good deal from the state, so we’d like to be part of the solution’,” Carlson said, speaking to Tom Weber on The Daily Circuit. “I think we should Read more →
Analysis: Three turning points in the Viking stadium deal
By now, the state of Minnesota and its NFL franchise were supposed to have sealed a 30-year deal to live happily ever after in a new downtown stadium. The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority (MSFA) and the team were scheduled to sign a final deal this morning. But something has happened on the way to the Read more →
Protesters:Vikings stadium funding could have helped poor people
The Minneapolis-based Welfare Rights Committee says Minnesota could have doubled welfare grants to poor people with the money the state banked on a new Vikings stadium just this year. The protesters charge that the state has not increased General Assistance grants, known as MFIP, or Minnesota Family Investment Program, since 1986. A family of two…
Should a new Vikings stadium be ‘woman friendly’?
An article in the Atlantic today raises an interesting question: has the time come for better gender balance at NFL stadiums? Commentator Shawnee Barton says the NFL needs to  move beyond lingerie with NFL logos, pink jerseys and co-branding at Grand Central Station fashion shows. She wants a better stadium. She cites the NFL’s new bag…
Vikings roundup: London game, Vikings finances and stadium protest today
Businesses that rely on the Vikings home games are going to feel the pinch of the team’s excursion to the United Kingdom, says the Strib’s Mike Kaszuba. The Vikings are playing the Steelers in London on Sunday. A story today details some of the losses, as well as some of the “meh,” as the team…