Stadium Watch Blog

Wilfs must pay $85 million in NJ real estate dispute, Vikings stadium moves ahead
Zygi, Mark and Leonard Wilf will have to pay a former real estate partner $84.5 million in damages in a dispute dating back to the construction of a 764-unit New Jersey apartment building in the 1980s. That includes $36 million in punitive damages, and about $48 million in compensatory damages, an attorney for the Wilfs Read more →
Don’t bet against electronic pulltabs just yet. That’s what Express Games founder Jon Weaver says. He’s the guy that brought the new games to Minnesota a year ago today. We’re the first state in the nation to try electronic pulltab gambling. Weaver’s iPad devices were the only game in town for the initial months of Read more →
Three reasons Vikings fans might want to gamble on a pricey seat license
Gov. Mark Dayton told the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority that he wants them to stick up for Vikings fans and put a lid on the new seat fees the team is planning at the new Vikings stadium. The seat fees are called “Stadium Builder Licenses” in state law, but they’re better known as personal seat Read more →
Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority chairwoman Michele Kelm-Helgen and attorney Peter Carter this afternoon released the audit MSFA commissioned of Zygi, Mark and Leonard Wilf, chief owners of the state’s NFL franchise. The stadium authority today said the NFL is backing the deal and the Wilfs are back at the negotiating table, working on lease and Read more →
Video Q&A: Lawmaker wants more transparency in Vikings deal
As questions have grown about the finances of the Vikings owners, so have doubts about what the team really stands to pay for its share of the new $1 billion stadium in Minneapolis. State Rep. Bob Barrett, a two-term Republican from Lindstrom, says he thinks taxpayers and fans ought to know more about just how…
Stadium authority will release Vikings owners audit this afternoon
The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority is going to lay out its “due diligence,” the look into the financial situation of Zygi, Mark and Leonard Wilf as their NFL team is poised to sign a decades-long deal for a new stadium in Minneapolis. The audit was commissioned by the MSFA last month, after the Wilfs were Read more →
Monthly electronic gambling revenues tick up from rock bottom
Maybe electronic pulltabs have touched bottom. Data from the Minnesota Gambling Control Board shows that sales of the games ticked up in August, for the first time since March. It’s not the exponential growth the state thought it would see in the first year of the games (they were expected to be nearly a rival Read more →
Poll: Most Minnesotans want do-over on Vikings stadium deal
A KSTP/Survey USA poll asked Minnesotans last week what they thought of the deal the Legislature and the Governor have struck with the state’s NFL franchise for a new Vikings stadium. The answer: Not much. Nearly three in five say the state didn’t do due diligence on the Wilfs when it passed the stadium bill Read more →