Stadium Watch Blog

Vikings stadium plaza dispute settled for $17.1 million
The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority and Minneapolis Venture have settled their dispute over the plaza in front of the current Metrodome. The MSFA will pay $17.1 million for the plaza and 450 underground parking places. It had recently been assessed for $4.5 million. Minneapolis Venture, run by developer Bob Lux, had threatened to evict Vikings Read more →
by Rupa Shenoy The St. Paul City Council Wednesday approved the sale of bonds to help build the Lowertown Ballpark. The council unanimously approved a resolution that St. Paul staff said wrapped up years of work to make the new home for the minor league Saints possible. The resolution authorizes the development agreement for the Read more →
St. Paul reveals revenue share, naming rights and more ballpark details
St. Paul said today it’s getting an extra $1 million in state money for a new $63 million Lowertown Ballpark, and the city is chipping in a little extra up front for maintenance to make sure the place is up to snuff when it opens. The project is still being paid for with $27 million from the Read more →
Minnesota is familiar turf for NFL’s Redskins mascot battle
Opponents of the name of the Washington, D.C. NFL franchise are asking the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority to take a stand against the controversial nickname. Critics want the Redskins name bannned in the new stadium. It’s a chance provided by the once-in-a-generation handoff from one stadium to another, and to rewrite the “house rules” in Read more →
Lawmaker objects to Vikings stadium gun show ban
Republican state Rep. Pat Garofalo has written to the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority, objecting to their ban on doing firearms business at the new stadium. The provision is included in the stadium lease, signed by the MSFA and the Vikings last week. Garofalo asks: “Why is the Stadium Authority arbitrarily excluding vendors who, in compliance with Read more →
NFL: Minneapolis is among finalists for 2018 Super Bowl
The National Football League has announced that it has a short list of three candidates to host Super Bowl LII and Minnesota’s new stadium is still among the candidates. Indianapolis and New Orleans are also in the running, according to NFL Media. The Vikings also confirmed Minneapolis was on the list. The NFL made the Read more →
Vikings bid for Super Bowl in 2018
Minnesota could know by the end of the week if Minneapolis is in the running to host the Super Bowl in 2018. Vikings team president Mark Wilf made the case for bringing the NFL championship to Minnesota at the league’s fall meeting in Washington D.C. today. Team spokesman Lester Bagley said the Vikings and a Read more →
Metrodome takes another step closer to the end this weekend
The World Series, the Super Bowl and the Final Four aren’t the only high-profile events the Metrodome has hosted. It also plays a key role in one of the nation’s premiere running events, the Twin Cities Marathon. Ok, it’s mostly a bathroom for the tens of thousands of runners that hoof the 26.2 mile and Read more →