Race: Conversations around race and racial justice

Here are the latest on the fight against racism, voices calling for racial justice and in-depth stories on communities of color and other racial issues from MPR News.

Voices of Minnesota Calls for change across the state

Protests and pain The killing of George Floyd

Call To Mind Spotlight on black trauma and policing

Amplifying voices Share your experiences and hopes for the future

Higher COVID-19 rates seen in Black and Hispanic children in Minn.
Children’s Minnesota has treated around 300 pediatric COVID-19 cases as of mid-July. Thirty-one percent of those patients were Black or African American; 24 percent Hispanic; 16 percent white; and 11 percent Asian.
'Freedom Fighters' look to shed 'scary' image, solidify role in the community
As the unrest following the police killing of George Floyd enters a new phase, an armed group that protected businesses and protesters is evolving to offer resources to residents — and brotherhood to one another.
Portland protesters file suit against Trump administration over federal response
Wall of Moms, Don't Shoot Portland and others sued several federal agencies on Monday, alleging federal officers in Portland are exceeding their legal authority and violating protesters' rights.
Ivanka Trump visits MN to praise workers in Duluth, open office on missing Indigenous cases
President Trump’s daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump made a quick swing through Minnesota Monday, first touring an iconic Duluth manufacturing business, then opening an office in Bloomington dedicated to investigating cold cases involving missing and murdered Native American women.
Trump tries to appeal to 'housewives' and white suburbs, but his views seem outdated
The president is down in the polls among suburban voters. He's using fear to try to win them back, but his view of the suburbs seems out of date, as they've grown more diverse in recent years.
How decision to resume school might affect Minnesota’s communities of color
Minnesota officials have told schools to prepare for three different scenarios for resuming classes in the fall. None of these options is an ideal choice for most students. And the reality for students of color is likely to have a disproportionate impact on their health, families and education.
House passes bill removing Confederate statues, other figures from Capitol
Democrats say they want to remember history, but not honor Confederates. Their bill also calls for removing a bust of Justice Taney, author of a landmark case barring citizenship for an enslaved man.